Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weather It Is (Hold on to your Skoch!)

Good Morning:

A quick moving "Sharav" like system will move quickly from south to north today, bringing with it some wind and a period of rain.  The rain should develop this morning over the south and then spread into the center and north in the late afternoon and evening, respectively. There will be some left over showers tomorrow, but the rest of Sukkot should be nice.

Barry Lynn

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weather It Is (Hot and then Rain?)

Good Morning:

The weather was certainly delightful -- it was in the mid to upper 20s here in the Jerusalem Mountains.  Hence, it was a great day for fasting on Yom-Kippur -- even taking a walk.

There certainly is a lot of hot air at the UN meeting, and it's quite disturbing the words spewing forth from the lips of the Iranian President.  My question is: when he lies does he believe them?

Mirroring what is going on there, our weather is going to get quite hot during the next few days as low pressure to our east blows hot air our way.  However, a strong cool front will move eastward into our area on Sunday or Monday and it is forecast to bring showers t for the beginning of Sukkot.  Will it be a wash-out? Stay tuned.

The inclement weather should pass in time for most of Sukkot to be wonderfully mild and sunny.

Barry Lynn

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weather It Is (Boy, it's hot!)

Good Afternoon:

Having just taken a very quick stroll out to the sidewalk, I can certainly attest that it feels hot.  I can imagine that there is a large power consumption as folks use both their ovens and air conditioners prior to the start of Rosh HaShanah.  The hot weather will persist through the holiday, as hot air flows our way around low pressure situated to our east.

However, by the stroke of Midnight at the end of the holiday, even the hot weather will wilt and a cool front should push in from the west.  As time goes on, high pressure may even set-up to our north, which will lead to an even more refreshing cooling, just in time to fast for Yom-Kippur.

I won't be publishing any blogs that suggest that there seems to be a general reaction among Muslims: when someone criticizes "them" for having violent tendencies, they get all hot under the collar (i.e, take offense), and then violently riot.  Living here in the Mid-East has done quite a lot to dissuade me from my liberal and all-accepting tendencies I had while growing up.  The irony is that there are quite a few Muslim leaders who quite frequently refer to the Jews as the "Sons of Pigs and Dogs," but we don't let their wind ruffle our hair.  I guess that with all their platitudes about how they're the "ones," they don't really believe it -- otherwise, why take offense from someone who doesn't rate the effort.

Hopefully, with the advent of fall, tempers will cool a bit.

L'Shanah Tova!

Barry Lynn

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weather It Is (There just isn't any)

Good Afternoon:

The weather looks summery, and it should continue this way for another week or so.  True, the temperatures should trend downwards a bit towards the end of next week, but they should pop back up just in time for the New Year -- as summer low pressure to our east reasserts itself .

In case you'll be flying to Teheran, Iran in the next 10 days, the weather looks great. By the way, two missiles from Gaza followed the weak westerly winds over the border fence and into Ashkelon.  Although technically these missiles came from Gaza, they were quite possibly manufactured in Iran. The city of Ashkelon is thinking of creating a third beach type to go with the secular and religious beaches, a beach for missiles from Gaza.

Barry Lynn

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weather It Is (Is That A Nip?)

Good evening:

Well there certainly is a nip in the air as nightfall falls upon us.  In fact, with the window open and a stiff breeze from the West, one might begin to wonder if fall is indeed upon us.  Alas, it isn't so.  A quick glance at the weather pages and maps shows that summer will return as early as Tuesday, and that nip will only be a fond memory.

Of course we are headed into fall, so a few more nips or naps at a moments notice are to be expected.  Even so, one can easily remember that the weather at this time of year can turn from favoring a nap to something resembling a sauna where one wishes that one had not just drained the pool (whether your neighbor gave you permission or not to build it).

I have to mention that there has been quite a bit of nipping and napping at the feet of our Prime Minister and Defense Minister, who seem to be full of hot air when it comes to saying anything about Iran.  Of course, a nuclear explosion is no laughing matter, and I can completely appreciate that our two top-leaders are quite worried about a potential Iranian nuclear attack.  Of course, one does wonder why they do speak so much, and our Defense Minister's (DM) proclamation that just shy of 500 Israelis (Jews, Arabs) would die in the retaliatory attack is very comforting -- so long as someone you know (or yourself) is not one of the 499.  One wonders how DM Barak figured this number out.  Did he count the number of missiles fired from Gaza that he views as only a nuisance, no worse than the bolts of lightning we remember from our youth -- and equate the two?

This is a very serious matter and I would hope that our two leaders really appreciate that any Israeli attack will put our feet in the frying pan (or worse) and we better be ready for any contingency -- even a possible late (or never) resupply of arms from our "friend," the United States.  Just remember, there are no friends in international relations, just common interests. These interests can change like the wind.

Barry Lynn